Recent Articles

Angular 2: Lazy-loading images using bLazy.js

I recently had the need to integrate bLazy in an Angular 2 project. This is a pure Javascript library so the integration was straightforward but it does have a few drawbacks to be aware of, especially due to the way Angular renders elements. The trick was wrapping bLazy initialization inside a setTimeout() which seems to be the only way for bLazy to properly set itself up. Here’s the code: Read more...

Angular 2: Structural directive for responsive conditional output using a CSS media query

Media queries are useful to adapt the way elements on a page are displayed, or even show/hide elements based on the viewport size. When working with Angular 2, there might be times where you not only want to conditionally show or hide an element depending on the viewport size, but you also need to make sure that your component does not even get instantiated when the app is run on a mobile or desktop. Read more...

A new home for this blog

If you were following me on my old blog (, you’ll notice that everything is now being redirected here. A new cleaner and simpler skin for the blog but with the same content as before. I know a few of you were following me on news readers (i.e. Feedly). Although new articles should continue to work as before, I strongly suggest you remove the old blog (called “Remember to Breathe”) from your sources and add blog. Read more...

A few Puppet best practices

Puppet, the popular configuration management tool, can get tricky at times. After a few months of using Puppet to manage our servers at work, a few practices have emerged as good, recommendable practices. I wanted to share a few of them with the rest of the world here so that beginners get a head start but also to get a good base for discussion with more seasoned Puppet users. Read more...

Testing your Puppet manifests using Vagrant

We’ve recently started using Puppet to provision our servers really seriously at work. All of our new servers are systematically provisioned using Puppet, and we now have a rule that nothing on servers can be changed by hand, every single bit needs to be managed by Puppet. Managing servers using Puppet is extremely useful and powerful, but you also need to know what you’re doing because a small untested change in your Puppet manifests could introduce instability (or worse! Read more...

Tip: Adding a local HTTP proxy when using Yeoman 1.0 with Grunt and Livereload

UPDATE Grunt and the plugins ecosystem is moving quite fast, and thus this post is a bit outdated now. Although the concepts still apply, Livereload is now embedded in the “watch” plugin and the way to configure the “connect-proxy” plugin to achieve a local proxy to your Web app has changed quite a bit. Documentation has also improved so kudos to the Grunt community! Yeoman is a Javascript code generation and application bootstrapping framework that integrates many extremely cool, bleeding edge technologies for streamlining frontend rich Javascript application development. Read more...

Reliable Delivery Pub/Sub Message Queues with Redis

UPDATE I have open-sourced a Java implementation of the below principles called “RedisQ”. Enjoy! Redis is a high performance key-value datastore that differs from other key-value solutions in the way it handles values. Instead of just storing values as simple strings, it recognizes multiple specific data types such as Lists, Sets, Hashes (maps), Strings or Numbers. Each data type has its own set of features to manipulate the data it contains in an atomic manner, making it an ideal tool for highly distributed system where concurrency is a potential issue. Read more...

Small team, multiple projects: an Agile approach to planning

Context: you have a small team of 5 people, evolving in a highly dynamic environment with small projects (2-4 weeks, sometimes less, sometimes more) coming all over the place for the team to realize. This is a very usual pattern observed in agencies, or smaller teams dedicated to professional services (services to clients). How do you approach people planning (a.k.a “resource planning”, although I won’t hide my aversion for the term “resource” when referring to a person) in that kind of context? Read more...

Easier builders in Java

Anyone that has used the builder pattern for building simple Pojo-style Java classes is probably aware that writing these builder classes quickly becomes quite unpleasant and definitely not fun. You quickly realize that your builders often mimic the structure of your Pojo’s setters, finding yourself almost duplicating half of Pojo’s code for the sake of the pattern. Following a recent post from Eric Mignot and a few prior reflections I had on optimizing the process of writing these builders, I have come up with a solution that will, I hope, greatly simplify trivial cases (that is, building simple pojos) and, eventually, as the tool evolves, allow for slightly more complex cases to be covered. Read more...

Delivering software more efficiently

Organizations today are always looking for ways to improve how they build software. To stay competitive on fast-paced markets, they have to optimize the delivery pipeline to bring features from ideation to market more rapidly. Many rightfully seek solutions by adopting agile or lean practices. To be fully effective, these methodologies also need to be supported by rigorous engineering practices such as those brought forward by Extreme Programming. Executed correctly, these are all very good ways of optimizing the way you and your team build your software. Read more...